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EST (Toronto) Feb 7, 2024 | GMT (London) Feb 7, 2024 | AEDT (Melbourne) Feb 7, 2024 | SESSION TITLE | SPEAKERS | ABSTRACT |
3:45 AM | 8:45 AM | 7:45 PM | Introduction | Mark Enzer OBE FREng | |
4:00 AM | 9:00 AM | 8:00 PM | Keynote - The UK’s National Digital Twin Programme | Alex Luck | National Digital Twin Programme is the government-led programme committed to growing national capability in digital twinning technologies and processes throughout the country. The primary purpose of the programme is to develop the standards, processes, and tools that will build the foundation of a functioning market in digital twins and create growth. This work will enable the creation of digital twins that are safe, secure, trustworthy and ethical. As the Head of the NDTP, Alex will provide an expert overview of the programme, giving key insights into its progress and benefits.
4:30 AM | 9:30 AM | 8:30 PM | Break | ||
4:40 AM | 9:40 AM | 8:40 PM | The Virtual Energy System | Simon Evans | The Virtual Energy System is a real-time replica the entire energy landscape that will work in parallel with the physical system. It is an industry-wide programme that aims to create an ecosystem of connected digital twins of the physical components of the energy system, such as power plants, transmission lines, distribution networks, and consumers. The Virtual Energy System will enable real-time data sharing, simulation, forecasting, and innovation to support the transition to net zero and a carbon-free future. The Virtual Energy System is a collaborative project that requires the participation and contribution of every element of the GB energy industry. As a key contributor to the Virtual Energy System, Simon will present this industry-leading example of digital twin integration.
5:10 AM | 10:10 AM | 9:10 PM | Break | ||
5:20 AM | 10:20 AM | 9:20 PM | Connected digital twins for enabling cross-domain interoperability | Dr. Amit Bhave | The Climate Resilience Demonstrator (CReDo) is a pioneering climate change adaptation digital twin project that provides a practical example of how connected data can improve climate adaptation and resilience across a system of systems. CReDo looks specifically at the impact of flooding on energy, water and telecoms networks. It demonstrates how those who own and operate them can use secure, resilient, information sharing across sector boundaries to mitigate the effect of flooding on network performance and service delivery. As a key technical leader in CReDO, Amit will explore how connected digital twins can be used to enable cross-domain interoperability. The underlying technical approach including the proposed distributed architecture has also enabled CMCL to extend the dynamic knowledge graph to represent assets from transport and healthcare sectors.
5:50 AM | 10:50 AM | 9:50 PM | Break | ||
6:00 AM | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM | TransiT – digital twinning for decarbonising transport | Professor Phil Greening | TransiT is a UK research hub established in 2023 dedicated to digital twinning for transport decarbonisation. With the backing of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the hub is scoping potential digital capabilities to manage the reduction of carbon emissions from transport, which currently accounts for a third of emissions across the country. As the Principal Investigator for the TransiT Hub, Phil will provide expert insights into the progress of the hub and the use of digital twins in the priority area of decarbonising transport.
6:30 AM | 11:30 AM | 10:30 PM | Panel Discussion | Review of the morning. Panelists: Mark Enzer, Prof. Phil Greening, Dr. Kumutha Swampillai, John Holden |
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